13 Amazing Event Rental Websites

To compete in the modern event industry, businesses need more than just a website. They need a great website.

Why? Because a great website doesn’t just look good — it’s also a major revenue driver. According to research from Stanford University, 75% of clients judge a company’s credibility based on its website design.

Websites can be a great source of direct revenue, too. Goodshuffle Pro’s Website Integration, which allows event clients to “shop” rental items and services on a company’s website, has driven more than $185 million in quote submissions for event businesses.

In addition to great design, the examples below all use Goodshuffle Pro’s Website Integration to save time and grow their business. Check them out for inspiration, and contact our team if you’re ready to build the industry’s next great website!

Render Events (Dallas, TX)

Website Link: renderevents.co

Render Events is known for being meticulous, stylish, and elevated — and its website lives up to the reputation. But this website is more than just eye candy. The homepage contains two forms of social proof, including logos from big-name clients such as Google and Nike, which lend the brand authority. It also makes smart use of Goodshuffle’s Website Integration, allowing clients to browse through inventory using both categories (ex: tableware) and collections (ex: wedding).

Goodshuffle Pro’s Website Integration made our website look incredible — and reduced the time we spend on website maintenance by 95%.

Cam Petty

CEO, Render Events

Baystate Tent (Tewksbury, MA)

Website Link: baystatetent.com

When clients land on Baystate Tent’s homepage, they’re greeted with a high-resolution video of team members installing a large, complicated tent. The quick vignettes of the video make it fun for clients to watch, and it does a great job showing that Baystate is filled with experienced pros who can handle big jobs. The rest of its website reinforces that message, while also making it easy for clients to browse available tents and rental inventory.

Loot Rentals (Austin, TX)

Website Link: lootrentals.com

There’s a lot to like about Loot Rentals’ website, which is among the most interactive in the industry. Every piece of inventory is photographed on the same background, creating a sense of polish and consistency. Better yet, the website lets clients take a nine-question Vibe Quiz to discover the right aesthetic for their event — and once they’re done, they’re sent to a landing page where they can shop the look of that vibe through Goodshuffle Pro’s Website integration.

Luxe Bounce (Atlanta, GA)

Website Link: luxebounce.com

Luxe Bounce is not your average inflatables business… and it’s website is far from your average inflatables website. From the hero video of a wedding party bouncing together, to the interactive feature on brand values, to the vertical photos of this year’s trending inventory, every part of this website makes clients feel “the Luxe Bounce difference.” It’s also strategically designed to funnel clients onto pages where they can browse inventory and request quotes.

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ACA Event Rentals (Topeka, KS)

Website Link: acaeventrental.com

Like many websites on this list, ACA Rentals uses Goodshuffle Pro’s Website Integration to make browsing and shopping for inventory easy. But ACA Rentals also takes it one step further, adding a section to its homepage called “Look How Easy It Is to Rent From Us,” where it breaks the process down into three simple steps. It’s not just event business owners who want to streamline the rental process; clients want it just as badly. Putting this claim front and center, then backing it up with a user-friendly website, is the key to winning a modern client’s business.

Bobby Morganstein Events (Philadelphia, PA)

Website Link: bobbymorgansteinevents.com

Bobby Morganstein Events is one of the top event production companies in Philadelphia — and as its name suggests, its brand is closely tied to that of its owner, Bobby Morganstein. Its website puts Bobby front and center by placing the About Us section near the top of the homepage, and using a photo that captures Bobby’s, and the brand’s, personality. The rest of the site delivers on this with photos of vibrant event setups, including some as thumbnails inside Goodshuffle Pro’s Website Integration.

Mega Celebrations (Bridgewater, NJ)

Website Link: mega-celebrations.com

Packages and upsells are two of the most valuable parts of Goodshuffle Pro’s Website Integration — and few companies use them as well as Mega Celebrations does. Its Package pages use colored backgrounds and custom photography to show the seemingly endless themes clients can choose from. Below each set of packages, it features popular add-ons such as custom pillows and personalized robes, natural upsells that increase the company’s average quote value.

Total Events (Schenectady, NY)

Website Link: totaleventsny.com

There are a lot of ways to use color on an event website. Total Events takes a deliberate approach, ensuring every design decision — from the black-and-white logo to the pops of red and gold on its homepage — makes its brand feel regal and sophisticated. Outside of the homepage, it also makes smart use of Goodshuffle Pro’s Website Integration, applying it not just for large event inventory but also smaller packages aimed at people hosting upscale dinner parties.

Throughout our free trial, the Goodshuffle Pro team held our hand every step of the way. And once the trial was over, the service continued. It wasn’t all just for the sale.

Goodshuffle Pro user, Melissa Carrier, from Total Events
Melissa Carrier

Owner, Total Events

Ideal Tent & Event Rentals (Tea, SD)

Website Link: idealtentandevents.com

Your website should match the scope of your brand and business, and Ideal Tent & Events does that masterfully. When you land on its homepage, your screen is overtaken by a full-width image of a sailcloth tent cascading behind a field. The size and design of the image capture the vast, beautiful feeling of a tented event in South Dakota, which lends the business local credibility. Below that, a “What’s New” section promotes interesting items that clients can rent online.

Marianne’s Rentals (Oklahoma City, OK)

Website Link: mariannesrentals.com

Marianne’s Rentals is an Oklahoma City institution, a family-owned event company that recently celebrated 35 years in business. The content and design of its website projects elegance and experience, but also shows that the brand is on the cutting-edge of digital and event trends. One way it does this is writing a blog on event topics, which allows it to demonstrate industry expertise. It also promotes its Website Integration with a sleek, animated wishlist logo that captures attention by twisting from side to side.

Poker Productions (New Orleans, LA)

Website Link: pokerproductionsllc.com

The headline on Poker Productions’ homepage reads “We Bring the Fun,” and the hero video playing behind it backs up the claim. After starting on a high note by helping clients picture the fun of their own casino night, the rest of the website guides them through the different types of events, inventory, and packages Poker Productions offers. It leaves no question unanswered, and stands out among its peers by making it easy for clients to submit quotes online.

Party Bound (Cumming, GA)

Website Link: party-bound.com

Party Bound has a playful, colorful website that matches its playful, colorful brand. Pastel color blocking divides each page into readable sections, and shows the many different shades of Party Bound’s personality. Its Party Package page also makes creative use of Goodshuffle Pro’s Website Integration by listing what each package contains in bullet points, then linking from the bullet points to category pages where clients can browse specific inventory.

Kate Ryan Event Rentals (Tampa, FL)

Website Link: kateryanevents.com

Kate Ryan Event Rentals uses a well-rounded mix of photos, design, and text to guide people through its website. Its Tips & Trends section features case studies of recent events, including not just photos but commentary that makes the brand feel warm, personable, and knowledgeable about local venues and vendors. Its online rentals are well-organized, easy to use, and mix things up with fun line illustrations on category pages.

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