How to Choose the Best Logo for My Party Rental Company

Choosing the right logo for a party rental company is one of the first steps of growing the business. The first thing most event rental companies do when they get started, or modernize their business, is to create a logo. This will be the symbol used to brand their company. The goal for any logo is for it to be recognizable and encompass the entire brand in one symbol. Logos can last five years, 10 years, or even the entire lifetime of the business. Ideally a potential customer would see the logo and instantly know everything about the brand. This includes their name, what they sell, and their reputation as an expert. The real question, though, is what makes a logo good? How does a rental business owner choose the right one?

Here are some keys to selecting your party rental logo:

  1. Keep it S.U.M. – simple, unique, and memorable.
  2. Looking at an easy way to choose a logo.
  3. What makes the perfect party rental logo.

Let’s start with the first question. The best logos fulfill a handy acronym — S.U.M.

S – Simple

The logo is simple enough to convey the nature of the company quickly. It can be a drawn symbol, like the Nike symbol, or just the company name written out, like Coca-Cola. Either way, customers should easily figure out what the company is — like an event rental company versus an event planning business. A good logo looks crisp and clear at very small sizes, like on a business card or large sizes such as on the side of a warehouse or delivery truck.

U – Unique

Most people know that a logo should be current and unique to each business. However, a logo should also be unique in the industry the company is working in. It is in the best interest of business owners to research their competitors, look at their logos, and then do something totally different. It is essential for a logo to engage the target market. For example, an event rental company that specializes in wedding décor is probably looking for newly engaged couples and event planners with a certain budget. This is whom the logo needs to attract.

M – Memorable

A unique logo makes it easier for it to be memorable. Studies have shown that a company’s potential customers have a short attention span, roughly 10–30 seconds maximum. This means people looking at a company’s logo are making a split second decision about whether they want more information on a company or will walk away. A memorable logo gives a business an edge because it helps their potential customers keep that particular company in mind for a longer period of time. To put it succinctly, if a potential customer remembers that business, they are more likely to hire them.

Event Rental Company logos. Small Business Logos. Party Rental Management Software. Goodshuffle Pro

Still, with so many logo options, either from a design contest website or a graphic designer using pro software, how does one actually choose one?

Here is a quick and easy way to choose a logo!

First, eliminate options that don’t fill the criteria of S.U.M. above. Next, really think about the branding of your company. It is more than a logo — it’s every detail from the second clients call for quotes to when you are invoicing them for the last time. What’s the impression you’re giving them with this logo which shows on all their quotes and invoices?

A quirky thing that many realize but don’t verbalize is that every party rental business has a personality that steers its branding decisions. However, what does that mean for each individual company? As there are many ways to decorate an event to a client’s individual taste, there are many possible personalities a business can have. Is the business’ personality girly? Luxury? Maybe it is more eclectic, classic, vintage, or modern. A good question for party rental business owners to ask themselves is, “If my business were a person, what would they be like?” Once this question is answered, it’s easier to remove logos from the choices, as they won’t fit with the company’s brand personality.

If it hasn’t been narrowed down to one final option, opt for longevity. As mentioned above, most business owners keep their logos for a long time. It also should be something that they will want to use daily. This is where personal preference comes in. After all, this should be something a business is proud to display and use. Plus, who wants to buy new business cards every couple of years?

Event Rental Company logos. Small Business Logos. Party Rental Management Software. Goodshuffle Pro


The Perfect Logo for My Party Rental Company

The logo you choose for your party rental company should be clean and professional. There is no greater compliment for a pro designer than hearing a client tell them, “I’ve been using my logo for X amount of time and I still really love it! I get so many compliments on it and it just fits my business so well.” Your party rental logo should also go the same distance.